Rédacteur en chef du JCGEI
Mohamed Shehata
Assoc. Professeur, Membre Senior de l'IEEE
Co-Rédacteur en chef du Journal Canadien de Génie Électrique et Informatique
Faculté d'Génie et de Sciences Appliquées
Université Mémorial de Newfoundland
St. John's, NL, Canada
Page d'accueil
Dr. Mohamed Shehata obtained his B.Sc. degree with honours in 1996, his M.Sc. degree in computer engineering in 2001 from Zagazig University, Egypt, and then his Ph.D. in 2005 from the University of Calgary, Canada. Following his Ph.D., he worked as a Post-doctoral Fellow at the University of Calgary on a joint project between the University of Calgary and the Canadian Government, called Video Automatic Incident Detection. After that, he joined Intelliview Technologies Inc. as a Vice-President of the research and development department. In 2013, after seven years in the industry, Dr. Shehata joined the Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science at MUN, he is now an Associate Professor of computer engineering. Dr. Shehata is the director of the Vision and Image Processing Lab at Memorial University. His research activities include computer vision, image processing, and deep learning.