IEEE Canadian Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Guide for Initial Review

ScholarOne Submissions

IEEE CJECE accepts manuscript submissions only through ScholarOne Manuscript Central.
Upload your completed manuscript to ScholarOne using the link at the bottom of this page.

Single PDF File for Initial Review

For the first submission of any paper, authors are required to upload a completely formatted PDF document on Manuscript Central. The guidelines for formatting this document are described on the rest of this page. Tables and graphics do not need to be submitted as seperate files at this stage. All paper content should be in their positions in the PDF file.

Please be warned that uploading any other document format is not acceptable and could lead to a submission being rejected. Authors are advised to ensure the whole document is aesthetically acceptable. When converting from any format to PDF, please ensure quality of images and equations are well preserved. Documents with poor quality images, text or equations will be returned.

Common mistakes like copy and pasting equations in picture format will not be condoned. All equations must be typeset manually using an appropriate editor to enhance legibility and appearance. Graphics can be prepared using a variety of software packages depending on the platform of choice.


Word Processing

Authors are encouraged to use Word Processing Editors that matches the formatting quality and presentation of the IEEE journals. For the most accurate and efficient transferal of your manuscript, especially those containing extensive mathematics, it is advised to use TEX or LATEX programs. It is also highly recommended that an IEEE Template (IEEE Template Selector ) be used.


Document Format

IEEE CJECE papers follow the style of IEEE transactions papers which generally consists of the title, byline, author affiliation, footnote , index terms, abstract, nomenclature if present, introduction, body, conclusions, reference list, list of figures and table captions, and original figures and tables for reproduction. A paper may also include appendixes, a glossary of symbols, and an acknowledgment of nonfinancial support.

Authors are advised that IEEE CJECE maximum paper length is 12 pages and non-compliance with this could lead to a return of the paper to the author.


Authors and Co-Authors

Please fully disclose the names and addresses of all the authors. It is mandatory that all author names, full affiliations, and email addresses appear on the title page of your submission (page 1)



The abstract should be limited to 50–200 words and should concisely state what was done, how it was done, principal results, and their significance. The abstract should contain the most critical information of the paper.



A numbered list of references must be provided at the end of the paper. The list should be arranged in the order of citation in text, not in alphabetical order. List only one reference per reference number. Examples of reference formats for different publication types are available in the templates.

In text, each reference number should be enclosed by square brackets. Citations of references may be given simply as “in [1] ...”, rather than as “in reference [1] ...”. Similarly, it is not necessary to mention the authors of a reference unless the mention is relevant to the text. It is almost never useful to give dates of references in text. These will usually be deleted by Staff Editors if included.

For Papers which are an extension of an already published work, the original publication must be cited in the references. And the Associate Editor should be notified of this from the onset.


Section Headings

Primary section headings within papers are enumerated by Roman numerals ( "I.", "II.", etc.) and are centered above the text. For the purpose of typing the manuscript only, primary headings should be capital letters.

Secondary section headings are enumerated by capital letters followed by periods (“A.”, “B.”, etc.) and are flush left above their sections. The first letter of each word is capitalized. In print, the headings will be in italics.

Tertiary section headings are enumerated by Arabic numerals ("1", "2", etc.) followed by a parenthesis. They are indented, run into the text in their sections, and are followed by a colon. The first letter of each important word is capitalized

Quaternary section headings are rarely necessary but are perfectly acceptable if required. They are identical to tertiary headings except that lowercase letters are used as labels and only the first letter of the heading is capitalized


Mathematical Notations

Mathematical expressions and symbols should be prepared with a good quality editor. They should not be copied and pasted as an image. The templates(IEEE Template Selector) provide full description for properly formatted mathematical notations.


Units and Abbreviations

Consistency in the use of Units is required for all papers. While the SI units are strongly encouraged for use, authors are allowed to prepare their papers using the CGS. Combining of different units styles will not be accepted.


Additional Formatting Resources

Resources for more tips on formatting your paper can be found online at: Tools for IEEE Authors


ScholarOne Manuscript Central Paper Upload

Upload your paper at Manuscript Central

This guide provides some assistance for new users to the ScholarOne System.