The Journal

Welcome to the IEEE Canadian Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering website. The IEEE CJECE (ISSN-2694-1783), issued quarterly, has been publishing high-quality refereed scientific papers in all areas of electrical and computer engineering since 1976.
Sponsored by IEEE Canada (The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., Canada), the IEEE CJECE complements other IEEE technical journals and will be of particular interest to anyone involved in research and development activities in all the subfields of electrical and computer engineering (ECE) and in particular in the increasingly multidisciplinary areas of ECE. This is one of many avenues for IEEE Canada to provide increased scientific and professional value for its members. As a service to members, subsidies allow the subscription fee to be kept affordable for individuals, libraries, and organizations alike.
Journal Scope
IEEE CJECE publications covers all sub-disciplines of Electrical and Computer Engineering. This all-encompassing nature allows it to provide support for the wide variety of cutting-edge research and scientific directions in this fast-paced field. To provide the highest value to authors and the readership, the journal boasts an exceptionally short sub-to-pub process. The first decisions are provided to the authors in about 3 months from the date the paper enters the full review process. This is possible thanks to a dedicated editorial team operating the process within the state-of-the-art ScholarOne Manuscripts portal. The publications process is handled like other IEEE technical journals via the IEEE Publications in Piscataway, USA.
The journal accepts papers in two regular tracks of 'original article' and 'Review'. Every year, there are also conference special issues publishing extended versions of distinguished papers of conferences such as the Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (CCECE).
The current scope of the journal is summarized under the following 12 categories:
Artificial Intelligence
- Machine Learning & Neural Networks
- Computational Vision/Linguistics
- Cognitive Robotics
Biomedical Engineering
- Biosensors/Bioelectronics
- Medical Imaging
- Bioinformatics
Computer Systems
- Operating Systems
- Computer Architecture
- Parallel Processing
Communication Systems
- Physical Layer
- Channel Coding
- 5G Communications
Aerospace and Electronic Systems
- Intelligent Systems
- Navigation and Tracking Systems
- Robotics
Automatic Control
- System Modelling & Design
- Adaptive Control
Antennas and Propagations
- Antenna Design and Development
- Radar Sensing
- Millimeter-wave techniques
Power Systems
- Generation, Transmission & Distribution
- Smart Grid
- Power Electronics
Cloud Computing
- Distributed Systems
- High Performance Networks
- Mobile Computing
Industrial Application
- Systems Design and Installation
- Energy Conservation
- Engineering Standards Development
Software Engineering
- Software Performance Engineering
- Database Systems
- Software Evolution
Signal Processing
- Audio Signal Processing
- Image Processing
- Signal Processing for Communications